Dress Code
DRESS CODE GWHS believes that all students should wear clothing to school that fits well, reflects pride in oneself, is conducive to the learning process and demonstrates respect for the school and others. Additionally, we believe that high school is a transitional time for students to prepare for the workplace. Therefore, students will adhere to the dress code rules described on the student Conduct Code grades 7-12 of the Visalia Unified School District. The principal/designee shall have the discretion to prohibit any student from wearing any attire that is disruptive and distracting to the learning environment or the safety of the students. (Ed. Code 3529.5) Any violation of the dress code will result in a warning to the student and parents will be contacted. Students may be sent home to dress properly or change into appropriate attire at school. Continual infractions will result in other alternative consequences and/or suspension for defiance of authority. For questions of interpretation or clarification, call 730-7803